What child doesn’t love mini beasts and insects? Bugs are everywhere, and that makes them a favourite theme or topic. Insects are fascinating and provide a wealth of benefits to the wider environment as they pollinate plants and crops, break down waste into fertilised soil, provide a source of food for animals and humans and indicate environmental change.
Learning about insects can play a big role in children’s understanding of the world. Understanding the World provides powerful, meaningful context to children’s learning and development. This understanding enables children to make sense of their expanding world and their place within it through nurturing their wonder and curiosity.
Children are remarkably observant because they are continually trying to make sense of the world around them. Teaching children about insects and allowing them to see them up close will encourage them to make new discoveries and observations, and learn new concepts such as Why does this insect look like this? Why does it need so many legs? What does it eat?
This set of six resin insects is the perfect resource for any classroom or early learning centre. Each insect is perfectly preserved in high quality resin ensuring that they can be studied in detail in a safe and controlled environment. This set provides a variety of insects to excite and foster curiosity. They can be explored on their own or enhanced with a light table.
Set contains a grasshopper, scorpion, bee, fly, spider and an ant.
Open ended toys
Montessori educational toys
Best sensory toys
Open ended play toys
Each block size is 4.5*3*2 cm
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