Honey bees are fascinating. They play an important role in sustaining the environment and are essential for the survival of many of our plant species. Our specialised resin lifecycle of a bee 5 Piece set is an exceptional resource to inspire children to learn about the wonders of nature. Thrill children with interesting facts and engage them in learning about lifecycles and honey production.
Each part of the life cycle is encased in high quality resin allowing children to see details that they would not otherwise be able to study. It is an excellent resource to promote scientific inquiry and investigation, linking closely to the Science, Mathematics and Arts curriculum.
The set contains 5 Pieces depicting the stages of growth and honey production, including real honeycomb and honey.
Bees pollinate our plants, which means they carry pollen between plants, which help plants reproduce. Bees even help plants survive by preventing inbreeding. Bees are known for their wax nests and honey. These can be seen and studied in this one product. Teach children about the importance of insects and how people use the products created from bees for candles, soaps, lip balms and more. Not to mention delicious honey.
This beautiful resin life cycle of a bee is sure to spark curiosity. It can be enhanced by using it on a light table or even outside in the sunshine. Our resin products are expertly crafted, indestructible and suitable for children of all ages.
Interesting Facts: A single bee can produce one tablespoon of honey in a lifetime, a queen bee will lay 800 000 eggs in a lifetime, bees are very tidy, bees steal honey from other hives, bees communicate by dancing
4 small block size: 6*6*2cm
Big block szie: 7.5*7.5*2cm
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